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Terms & Conditions


The terms and conditions will form a contract between the “Customer” and “Alex McAra HGV Training” known as the “Company”

The Company requires the following obligations be adhered to by the Client and the following terms and conditions apply when persons make payment or issue a Purchase Order Number to the Company and therefore enter into this contract with the Company.

1. Course fees must be paid in full prior to any training course unless a previous financial arrangement has been agreed and accepted by both parties.

2. A valid Driving Licence for the relevant vehicle category must be presented at all times including duration of training course, theory and practical tests. Failure to produce a valid licence at theory or practical test appointment will result in forfeiture of fees paid.

3. It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure the correct provisional entitlement for the category of training booked is valid and current.

4. If a Customer wishes to cancel any training course this must be done 15 working days before the course start date otherwise all fees paid will be forfeited.

5. If a Customer wishes to cancel any training course with more than 15 working days notice any deposit payment will be forfeit.

6. If a Customer fails to attend a course date or fails to complete a course all fees will be forfeited.

7. The Company reserves the right to cancel any course booking by the Customer if course fees have not been paid in full.

8. The Company reserves the right to amend course dates and will ensure the Customer has been informed of any changes. Any amendments made by the Company are free from financial penalty.

9. Any Customer found to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will have their course terminated with immediate effect and all fees forfeited.

10. Smoking is not permitted in any Company vehicles.

11. Any Customer undertaking a course with the Company agrees to adhere to instructions given to them both verbally and/or written by any member of Company staff.

12. Any Customer taking driving courses must ensure they have taken sufficient rest before driving to comply with Drivers Hours Regulations and Working Time Directive.

13. No responsibility will be accepted by the company for any loss of personal items from Company vehicles.

14. All Customers agree to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner when taking a course. If a Customer is deemed to be a danger to themselves or the Company or uses abusive language or threatening behaviour the Company reserves the right to terminate course with immediate effect.

15. The Company will compensate for any mechanical failure with time in lieu.

16. If a course is cancelled due to bad weather or circumstances outside its control the Company will arrange for course dates to be made available as soon as possible.

17. In accordance with the Customer Protection Distance Selling Regulations 2000, when a course is booked without face to face contact, the Customer may cancel the contract within seven days (cooling off period) of that contract having been concluded.

18. Subject to the Customer Protection Distance Selling Regulations 2000 mentioned above all monies paid towards course fees as either deposits, part payments, balance payments or any form of instalment payment outside of the aforementioned and cooling off period are non-refundable.

19.  Any monies paid in advance must be used within a 12 month period otherwise these monies will be deemed forfeit.

20. The Company reserves the right to update and amend these terms and conditions at anytime.

21. The Company will provide copies of our terms and conditions on request and displays them on our website. It is taken that all clients have read and agreed to the Company terms and conditions before requesting training or beginning a training course and therefore entering into a contractual agreement with the Company.

If you require further information, or would like to discuss your requirements, then please contact us either by telephone or by e-mail:

Phone: 01764 683400


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