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Hazard Perception Test/Theory Test/Case Study Test

The Hazard Perception Test must be sat and passed prior to you sitting the Driving Test. This test is now carried out on a touch screen computer, which will, as with the Driving Tests, be arranged by Alex McAra HGV Training on your behalf.

The Multiple Choice Theory Test must be sat and passed prior to you sitting the Driving Test. This test is now carried out on a touch screen computer, which will, as with the Driving Test, be arranged by Alex McAra HGV Training on your behalf. The Case Study Test must be sat and passed prior to you sitting the CPC Practical Test. This test is now carried out on a touch screen computer, which will, as with the Driving Tests, be arranged by Alex McAra HGV Training on your behalf.

You will be required to study at home.

We have found it unnecessary to give any practical training to prepare you for these tests due to the very low number of people who fail after studying properly at home.

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